
Sunday May 09, 2021
Episode 32 --A Sister Souljah Seminar, or The Coldest Episode Ever
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
in this episode the Spoilers get nasty with Sister Souljah's classic tale of the ice-cold Winter Santiaga, one of the great characters of Black street lit. The crew is serious, funny, and informative as they employ their own impeccable skills to break down SIster Souljah's masterpiece -- and luckily no one gets cut in the process.

Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Episode 31 -- Chaste Heat and Sweet Potato Pie: Beverly Jenkins' JOSEPHINE
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
For this, our first foray into the romance novel genre, we went in craving a bodice ripper, but ended up with teenage dress mending -- only a little less hot. However, we must admit that the results of our reading of the great Beverly Jenkins' YA novel, Josephine, were more than satisfying! In this episode we discuss antebellum Michigan and the small town of Whittaker, where all the men have left to fight in the Civil War and the women have been left to fend for themselves. When a group of injured soldiers arrives to convalesce at the town's boarding house, I think we all know what comes next: intense courting! Respectable socializing! Thoughts of kissing! Heteronormativity! And choices, choices . . . As you might expect, this turns out to be a delightfully raucous episode with lots of puns, nervous laughter, and an overdose of food metaphors. Check it out!

Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Episode 30 -- There is a Balm: Robert Jones Jr.'s THE PROPHETS
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
In this rather intellectually searching episode, the Spoilers wrestle with Robert Jones' beautiful and challenging debut novel. We try to figure everything out at first, but ultimately settle upon a rather comfortable acceptance of un-knowing and dwelling in the wonder of ambiguity. Arriving at the conclusion that there has not really ever been a novel like this one (EVER!) doesn't take us too awful long -- and once we do get there -- look out. What could have been an hour of complaining becomes a literary love fest. This episode is all epiphanic bliss and profound discovery in real time, folks (perhaps hyperbole, but it felt good).

Monday Jan 25, 2021
Episode 29 -- Black and White and Misread All Over: Nella Larsen's PASSING
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
The Spoilers welcome in the new year with a rollicking discussion of Nella Larsen's Harlem Renaissance classic, Passing in this episode -- and let me tell you they have some strong feelings about the characters in this book. As she does in the novel, the radiant Clare Kendry garners much of the attention, but we have plenty to say about Irene and her very complicated mind as well. We bravely tackle all things race and of course explore the intricacies of passing as well. Mostly we just do our best to answer Anita's questions (which are fantastic as usual). We laugh, we cry and no one dies in this entertaining episode -- perhaps there's some misadventure, but only the good kind (disclaimer: no one even comes close to crying).

Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Episode 28 -- Pass the Bone Salt, Please: Cherie Dimaline's EMPIRE OF WILD
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
This episode begins quietly, with the Spoilers in a contemplative mode, as they feel their way through the dark forest of Dimaline's intriguing new novel about a young Metis woman's search for her missing husband. White occasionally pausing to ponder theoretical subjects such as human morality, culture, belief, and the architecture of consciousness, the spoilers do their best to figure out the mysterious rougarou, bone salt, where Victor is, and the post-booty-call rustle at door that concludes the book. The end result is an always intriguing, increasingly hilarious exploration of connectedness, identity, and the wildness inside us all (we see you, Cecile).

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Episode 27 -- Everybody Loves Radha: THE 40 YEAR-OLD VERSION
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
In a raucous holiday episode, the Spoilers laud Radha Blank's heartwarming tribute to New York City and creaky black knees. With a hilarious and Irreverent critical eye, the Spoilers have nothing but good things to say about this funny, insightful, and heartwarming film. They love Radha's edge, they love her dope AARP lyrics, and they LOVE D (don't even get us started on that love scene). This is an all-love episode with a sprinkle of wisdom here and there for seasoning. Frankly, it's exactly the kind of episode we envisioned when we started this whole thing 26 episodes ago -- just four friends talking and laughing about something they like. Hope you all enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it.

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Let's just be honest: Blanche White is the best Black domestic detective there ever was. Don't worry if you haven't heard of her. Some of the Spoilers hadn't either. She's smart. She's bold. SHE'S THE BEST. In this episode we basically won't let Anita end the show because we can't stop talking about how much we love this book. Let this episode be your introduction to the wonderful world of Blanche White, creation of the late, brilliant Barbara Neely. The good thing is, when you finish this novel, there are still three more to read!

Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Episode 25 -- A Black, Black, Black Episode: John Lewis's MARCH, Volumes 1,2, & 3
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
The Spoiler are back in this special 25th episode talking everything from from Stuart Hall to BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. Once again the Spoilers struggle a bit with their non-mastery of the graphic subgenre, but in the end do a pretty dang good job talking about the text and the art of this wonderful piece series of books. Want to escape the temporal hellmouth that is 2020 for about an hour? Here's your chance. Join the Spoilers on an intense march through history as they embark on a mission to expand the chronology of the CIvil Rights Movement in the public imagination.

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Episode 24 -- "No more backward steps": Elizabeth Acevedo's THE POET X
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
The Spoilers are back with a love-fest episode for the ages. Beginning with an profession of gratitude and love for our own faithful host, we then tackle questions of genre, religion, bilingualism and translation, sexuality, the body, refusal, performance, and finding your voice -- all in an amazingly supportive and affectionate way. Inspired by Acevedo's beautiful book, we remember fondly our own teen years, consider the lives of teens today, celebrate the strength and empowerment of women, and repeatedly express our admiration for Xiomara, Twin, and Aman. If I may say so, this episode is a joy to listen to, and may, in some small way, make you forget everything about the world right now that is making you want to weep uncontrollably. You're welcome, America. Enjoy.

Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Episode 23 -- Always Taking; Always Giving: Jewelle Gomez's THE GILDA STORIES
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
In this rangy episode, the Spoilers are introduced to an underground classic of Black feminist literature. With a main character like few others in literature, this novel leads the Spoilers into discussions of traditional vampire mythology, consent and violence, death and immortality, and the responsibility of vampire parenting. Along the way Anita quotes Sadiya Hartman and Ocean Vuong, Adriana introduces us to "Vamp Time," Todd introduces more anoying book-specific terms, and Crystal runs up the stairs in the middle of the episode? It all comes out ok in the end because in every Drip episode the Spoilers live forever! Join us . . . JOIN US . . .