
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Episode 22 -- What We Take With Us: Nnedi Okorafor's BINTI
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Finally! The Spoilers get to talk about Todd's favorite book, BINTI -- and man was it work the wait. Times have been tough lately, but the Spoilers seem enlivened discussing this wonderful award winning novella. They tackle a mess of thorny issues, but they do a lot of laughing along the way. If you want to hear an extensive conversation about a shrimp ship, tentacle hair, ancient tech, and ritual clay application, this episode is for you. And really -- who doesn't want to hear about all that stuff? Mostly, the spoilers talk about being a teenager, the difficulty of leaving home, and those thing we never leave behind when we do.

Thursday May 28, 2020
Episode 21 -- A Marvelous Reality: Wayetu Moore's SHE WOULD BE KING
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
If you've been missing the us during the lockdown, fear not! We're back with a new jumbo episode for all y'all to dig into. Recording in the shadow of Covid 19, Ahmaud Arbery, and the George Floyd murder, the Spoilers take solace in the Vai maxim whispered by the narrator of Moore's compelling novel: "Fengbe kemu beh" -- we have nothing, but we have each other. In this episode we give you the rundown on magic realism and other confusing literary terms, we talk gender and colonialism, we learn a ton about Liberia, and we ruminate on black triumph. Get ready for a spicy episode filled with invisibility, talking weather, and pregnant ghosts. This thing has everything. Most importantly, we engage Moore's beautiful story of the effort to make many people into one nation using some very special gifts. It a story that might do us all some good right now.

Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
It's been so long since the Spoilers have all been the same room together and now their reunion looks even less likely to happen anytime soon. But that ain't going to stop them from recording the podcasts your lonely ears crave! In this episode the Spoilers discuss two recent films directed by black women -- QUEEN AND SLIM and ATLANTICS. As usual it's a wide-ranging conversation that veers from sourdough bread to SOUL TRAIN to zombies to Bokeem Woodbine. You do not want to miss this one! And by some kind of supernatural intervention the sound is pretty good. Is it possible that Todd was possessed by a real audio engineer? (Nope. It was Zoom.) Enjoy.

Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Driplet #3 -- Claudia Rankin's THE WHITE CARD at Penumbra Theatre
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Even with everything that's been going on with us (something we keep obliquely referring to but but giving no details), Adriana and Todd found time to go see THE WHITE CARD performed at one of Saint Paul's treasures, Penumbra Theatre. Needless to say, I was fantastic, and we have a lot to say about it. We had our conversation in another wonderful Saint Paul staple, Nina's. It was packed and loud, but we gave it a go. You can hear Adriana perfectly, but Todd is a little low in the mix, as they say. Don't worry, you can hear him here and there when he gets moderately excited. It's worth a listen -- and the production is definitely worth seeing. It ends on the 7th so don't what around!

Friday Jan 31, 2020
Episode 19 -- "Who the heck is Jack!?!": Colson Whitehead's THE NICKEL BOYS
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
In this new-to-you episode the spoilers gush over another amazing novel by Colson Whitehead. There's lots to talk about, and in the end, what seems like it could be a depressing conversation turns out to be a rather uplifting one (Crystal is getting tired, y'all). Don't miss the Spoilers getting deep into this novel and confusing each other with questions such as, "Who the heck is Jack?" It's definitely worth it.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
The Spoilers are back after a bit of a hiatus, and man, do we have an episode for you. In our triumphant return to the mics, we take up Gene Yang's sprawling graphic novel, AMERICAN BORN CHINESE. This colorful, complex feat of storytelling had us all over the place -- from the Google Empire to classic 80s sitcoms to the Baby Jesus. We spend a good deal of time trying to figure the whole book out, and in the end I think we gain a pretty good handle on why so many people love it so much. It's all about breaking down walls and being who you were meant to be. What's more important than that? Big thanks to friend of the show, Maquelle Huntley, for recommending it to us!

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
In this episode, our first with Crystal on remote from DC (we're still working on the tech-it'll be better next time), we rail against the arbitrary nature of rules and regulations while thinking about the ways that our stories are all connected. We gotta be honest, we all fell in love with this wonderful book about Orly, his godmother, and the little boy she tries to help. It's a timely, heartbreaking, honest, and ultimately optimistic novel about childhood, family, love, and loss. You'll hear our affection for it come through as we dig deep into its complicated layers. We think you're going to like this one, folks. It's all about America, home of the free . . .

Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
In this episode, the Spoilers get to work talking about whiteness, representation, art, race, and the spectacle of black death. Sure, it sounds heavy, but the Spoilers bring all their serious thinking power as well as their decidedly enduring humor to bear in grappling with some of the most difficult social issues in play in our society today. For those of you out there thinking about how to have those difficult conversations around race, this episode is for you. And for those of you who haven't really considered the possibility, maybe this episode and Rankine's play are even more for you. The bottom line is, this is an episode in which we struggle and work together to move toward some kind of understanding of what Rankine's work is pushing us to understand. Our journey isn't completed in this episode, but we think it is a pretty good step in the right direction. (And we LOVE Claudia Rankine for brilliantly leading us down the path!)

Saturday May 11, 2019
Episode 15 -- Pulsing, Possible Dreams: Danez Smith's DON'T CALL US DEAD
Saturday May 11, 2019
Saturday May 11, 2019
Once again the Spoilers take on a poetry collection and the result is astonishment, tear-filled silences, and general veneration of the genius of Danez Smith. As usual, we ask more questions than we give definitive answers, in the process modeling an engagement with poetry that requires only that the reader/listener have an emotional response -- and we have SO darned many. Bottom line is that this collection both destroyed us AND elated us. Take a listen to hear what that sounds like in all its messy glory. And don't worry if you haven't read the entire collection - we've already thought of that. In this episode we each take turns reading our favorite poems and then we talk about them together. We, of course, hope you read the entire thing (redistribute wealth to poets!), but it isn't necessary for listening to this episode. And keep on listening after the closing music for something extra special - Danez performing "dear white america." You're welcome, ALL AMERICA.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Episode 14 -- "Damn these Eggs!": Lorraine Hansberry's A RAISIN IN THE SUN
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
In this episode, the Spoilers go back to high school to take on one of the most beloved and widely taught plays of the 20th century. Bravely confronting their literary prejudices, they reexamine this classic of African American literature while getting a little bit feisty in the process. Housing discrimination, masculinity and patriarchy, morality, and how to lose $6500 in a day are some of the fascinating subjects of discussion. The crew is particularly sympathetic toward Beneatha, bemoaning the fact that her dream seems to be the one that might still get deferred in this whole mess. Everyone is cool to forgive Brother and move into the new house, but what about that damn Willie? Does he really get away with it? In the end, the Spoilers laud sweet Lorraine and give her props for being a bit of a genius. And if Nina Simone and James Baldwin said it, who are we to disagree? Enjoy!